IVF Treatment Abroad is pleased to announce that we are introducing surrogacy to our treatment options. It’s not that we didn’t want to offer surrogacy, but that we wanted to be very selective with the clinic/agency involved, and after many months of careful consideration, in January, we decided on a surrogacy specialist agency in Ukraine! Oops! And we even had our first patient lined up to go.
It’s not our place to be political, but it is our place to be human and the situation that the Ukrainian people find themselves in is totally and unequivocally not acceptable. We stand by them.
Of course, you can still travel to Kyiv for treatment, but knowing the uncertainty of the situation, our partners are now offering an alternative in Georgia (not the one in America)! Tbilisi (Thu-buh-lee-see) is a historic city with many monuments and buildings and of course an old town, and well worth a visit. It too, has, of course, fallen under the banner of Russia, as it did with many countries in centuries past. Now, with independence, it is a thriving country with a lot to offer.
In conjunction with ourselves and the agency we are linked with, we can provide a full treatment and support package. IVF Treatment Abroad will be responsible for arranging all the medical tests required prior to your trip and will provide any extra support and backup as needed, as well as answer any questions you might have about the whole process. Our partners are surrogacy experts so will be in charge once the treatment is underway.
Once in Georgia, you will have the services of an interpreter and the head of customer services from the agency to assist you during your visits.
There is too much information to put in this blog, so we invite you to contact us either at;
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